A linguagem das narrativas e a representação da realidade
narratives, enunciation, semiotc, heroes, linguistic atcsAbstract
It is common to consider narratives only as linear sequences of sentences, oral or written, that describe false events, as, for example, in works of fiction, or true ones, as in testimonies or history books. Here, the same narrative will be taken, but inserted back into its enunciation context. A narrative is characterized as a continuous sequence of real events, from which some are extracted to be effectively encoded in sentences. Peirce’s and Frege’s models of symbols allow such sequences to be treated, respectively, as representamen or Sinn and events as interpretants or representations. Bruner’s proposition that enunciation stems from the interlocutor’s willingness to attribute intentions to these representamens and their interpretants requires the speaker that his utterances are effective perlocutionary linguistic acts
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