Instituto Roberto Simonsen e Franklin Book Programs: relações internacionais e políticas editoriais para um Brasil “em desenvolvimento” (1965-1971)
Roberto Simonsen Institute, Franklin Book Programs, editorial policies, developmentalism, cultural Cold WarAbstract
In 1965, Roberto Simonsen Institute was created. The institute had a specific sector dedicated to publications, the Library Science Center for Development (CBD), whose list of activities included translations of foreign books. Despite a notion of development aimed at solving “national problems”, the CBD acted in accordance with Simonsen’s thinking regarding the relationship between national capital and foreign investments, depending on the partnership with a North American institution, Franklin Book Programs, to achieve its activities. This article deals with the relations between the two institutions and the way in which a mitigated nationalism, made compatible with the North American agenda during the cultural Cold War, defined the contours of the institute’s editorial policies for the development of an industrial Brazil.
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