Os Comunistas brasileiros e o desenvolvimentismo: a Frente Nacionalista nas edições da Editorial Vitória (1958-1964)
Publishing history, Communist editions, PCB, Developmental, Editorial VitóriaAbstract
This article analyzes how the Nationalist Front between the PCB and the PTB presents itself in the bookseller production of Editorial Vitória, the main communist publisher at the time, between 1958 and 1964, period of line of “peaceful coexistence” in the world communist movement and the developmentalist project in Brazil. These political tendencies appear in a concrete way in the editions of Editorial Vitória in two ways: through the Coleção de Documentos Políticos and through the books O pão, o feijão e as forças ocultas: primeiro livro de leitura popular by the writer Jocelyn Brasil, Brasil século XX by Rui Facó and Problemas brasileiros de educação by Paschoal Lemme. It is intended to demonstrate the different editorial strategies involved in these editions and their role in the relationship between the editorial line and the political line of the PCB in this period.
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