
  • ANTONIO LAVAREDA Conselho Científico do Instituto de Pesquisas Sociais, Políticas e Econômicas (Ipespe).



neuropolitics, emotions, electoral behavior.


This article first presents a summary of the evolution of the approach to emotions and the unconscious in psychology and recent studies of neuroscience, and thus it shows where those topics belong within the main theories of the 20th century which sought to explain the political behavior with an emphasis on voting behavior. Then it presents four analytical approaches of the field that can be named neuropolitics: politics viewed as a moral dispute; a model of emotional intelligence; the evaluation of emotional strategies of the campaigns; and the direct measurement of the emotional and unconscious responses to political stimuli. In its last part, the article presents a summary of the preliminary results of a pioneering study of experimental nature in Brazil, meant to evaluate the psycho-neuro-physiological responses of a group of voters from the C class confronted with images of presidential candidates in the 2010 election, by making use of electroencephalography and eye-tracker.


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Author Biography

  • ANTONIO LAVAREDA, Conselho Científico do Instituto de Pesquisas Sociais, Políticas e Econômicas (Ipespe).
    Presidente do Conselho Científico do Instituto de Pesquisas Sociais, Políticas e Econômicas (Ipespe) e autor de, entre outros, A Democracia nas Urnas (Revan).


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How to Cite

LAVAREDA, ANTONIO. NEUROPOLÍTICA: THE ROLE OF EMOTIONS AND THE UNCONSCIOUS. Revista USP, São Paulo, Brasil, n. 90, p. 120–147, 2011. DOI: 10.11606/issn.2316-9036.v0i90p120-147. Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 mar. 2025.