A computação em nuvem na Universidade de São Paulo
Internet, cloud computing, advanced InternetAbstract
Cloud computing is a trend that has been observed after Internet, starting in 1995, reached beyond the academic realm and started to be also commercially exploited by companies in global scale. In the last 18 years, we can notice how Internet technology has been rapidly and highly integrated into everyday life at such a fast pace that in the year of 2012, 2.5 billion people were already
connected to the Web. Such expansion has been followed by an intense activity of commercial and technological innovation. Among the technological innovations we highlight the evolution of microelectronics and virtualization. Cloud computing has emerged as a mechanism that enables an intensive use of computing resources; and the “cloud” can be accessed from mobile and portable devices anywhere in the world. This article discusses the adoption of the cloud computing paradigm at the University of São Paulo, and its potential impact on the activities of teaching, research, and extension.
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