As interfaces da EAD na educação brasileira
distance education, distance learning, open learning, independent learning, resistance to new technologies, education in BrazilAbstract
Brazil’s ambitions of boosting its importance on the international scene run the risk of being rendered unfeasible due to its workforce, whose qualification level and numbers are below global standards. Distance learning had its implementation in higher education in Brazil delayed by the conservativism of the academic community, generations of bureaucrats who were not education-oriented, and the National Congress. The criticism leveled in Brazil against distance learning is the result of a lack of knowledge regarding the achievements it has attained abroad, and because of myths which prevent it from being fully used so as to enable a more democratic access to advanced studies and their accreditation. New digital tools, such as Learning Objects, Open Educational Resources, and Massive Open Online Courses, certainly provide the path towards making the teaching/learning process more dynamic in general, and making independent learning possible.
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