O engenheiro de 2020 – Uma inovação possível
education in engineering, innovation, assessment, challenges to engineeringAbstract
The challenges faced by engineering schools, which are to be overcome by the end of this decade, are presented. The high rates of evasion and failure in disciplines are unparalleled in higher education; therefore, something must be done, since engineering, elected as the third millennium profession for being that which most adds quality of life for human beings, requires special care due to its importance to the country. In that regard, we suggest investments in a new line of research, engineering education, to support those actions, and present alternative models to make the engineering program more attractive. The creation of a playful space, combining engineering and arts and design, may be the most effective action for integrating the different types of engineering into other profession; and we understand that as a solution to speed up the flourishing of young students’ creative and innovative process.
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