A operação dos reservatórios e o planejamento da operação hidrotérmica do Sistema Interligado Nacional
https://doi.org/10.11606/issn.2316-9036.v0i104p133-144Palabras clave:
water resources, hydropower, reservoir operation.Resumen
The Brazilian electric system is a largescale hydrothermal system, mostly supplied by hydropower plants, about 150 of which are medium and large sized ones. From 2000 to 2012, an average of 91% of Brazilian effective electric generation was provided by hydropower plants. Additional y supply was provided mostly by thermal generation. From late 2012 until now, as we have experienced a severe drought over the major watersheds in the country, only 76% of demand has been supplied by hydropower, requiring intense thermal dispatch, while reservoir storages have been drawn down. In the light of the current state, this paper discusses the planning and operation of the system considering individual hydropower plants and reservoirs, the evolution of installed and storage capacities, non-stationary inflows, constraints associated with multiple uses of water and scenarios on the horizon in a four-year period.Descargas
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