Sobre a fragilidade da democracia brasileira diante da crise do coronavírus
democracy, political culture, crisis, pandemic, covid-19Abstract
This article discusses how the experience of the coronavirus crisis has a ected support for democracy in Brazil. We depart from the political culture approach to examine whether elements of a democratic culture have been important to prevent the deterioration of democratic legitimacy in the country. We found that there is a schism between Diffuse and Specific Support in Brazil, with democratic culture variables contributing to the protection of the former, but not the latter. Furthermore, the deleterious e ects of the crisis, especially the economic ones, contribute to undermining Diffuse but not Specific Support. These ndings seem to be related to the fact that the current Brazilian federal government has clear authoritarian and neo-populist tendencies, so that not only do the two types of support not converge, but the experience of the crisis a ects them in di erent ways.
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