Constitution and creation: the problem of representation


  • André Toledo Porto Alves Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Departamento de Ciências Políticas


Politics, Language, Representation, Legitimacy, Constitution, Creation.


It has been a growing dissatisfaction in recent years on politics in general, and on the governments and rulers, in a specific way. This condition is expressed by an increase in the number of protests and the in quantity and variety of people who have protested. This tendency is quite broad, occurs in most countries, independently of the political regime. The feeling of unrepresentativity is in the core of this emerging movement, perhaps rooted in an illegitimacy even deeper that challenges the proper human experience and existence, which are placed in checkmate by an emptying instrumentalization of politics and language, by the power and persuasion themselves, not being enough the mere legality of a particular legal system. If, in the context of modern political history, the concept of representation is found, regardless of attribution in specific cases or conjectural valuation of such a concept, then the world has been in serious risk, considering an amorphous mediocrity and a silent violence that, in spite of being able to live for a certain period with structures and institutions more or less representative, prevent the movement of essential representation. Thus, it is necessary a deep understanding of the concept of representation and its practical realization through law, politics and language.


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Author Biography

  • André Toledo Porto Alves, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Departamento de Ciências Políticas

    Mestre em Direito pela Universidade de São Paulo (Departamento de Filosofia e Teoria Geral do Direito) e Doutorando em Ciências Sociais pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo (Departamento de Ciências Políticas).


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Academic Papers of Post-Graduates

How to Cite

Constitution and creation: the problem of representation. (2017). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 111, 487-502.