Challenges of the prison administration: an analysis of the National Prison Fund
Public policies, Prison administration, Contingency, National Prison Fund, State omission.Abstract
The concern with the formulation and execution of public policies is the object of studies carried out in several areas of Law, reinforcing the importance of discussing the adoption of financial, social and operational mechanisms that ensure the effectiveness in the fulfillment of the fundamental rights, inscribed in the Federal Constitution of 1988. Within this new trend of scientific production, there is a need to analyze the Brazilian prison administration, which faces enormous structural and management difficulties that attest the social problems in our country. The crisis of the prison system triggered a series of rebellions across the country at the end of last year, which intensifies the emergence of a closer look at this public policy. In this sense, the present work intends to provide a careful view on the situation of the penitentiary system through an important financial mechanism: the National Penitentiary Fund, which is underutilized by the Brazilian government through frequent and unjustified contingencies.
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