Moot Court Competitions as a tool for legal education: the experience from the culture and extension activity “practice in regional and global human rights systems” from the University of São Paulo Law School
Competitions, Moot Court, International Law, Human Rights, Law teachingAbstract
The present paper aims at presenting the role of Moot Court Competitions regarding International Human Rights Law (“IHRL”) education. To this end, the experience of the “Culture and Extension Activity” from the University of São Paulo Law School (FDUSP) “Practice in Regional and Global Systems of Human Rights” will be presented, which, apart from promoting the regular study of IHRL, annually sends competitors to three Moot Court Competitions: the Inter-American Human Rights Moot Court Competition, the Price Media Law Moot Court Competition, and the Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition.
In order to measure the impact of such competitions on the learning and skills development of FDUSP undergraduates, a questionnaire was applied to all students who participated in at least one of the competitions offered by the group between the years of 2009 and 2017. In the questionnaire, students were asked to self-evaluate themselves regarding several skills, before and after participating in competitions. Thus, the present article presents the results of the empirical research, concluding on the value of Moot Court Competitions as a teaching instrument.
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