The Armenian genocide in international law
Genocide, International Law, Peace Treaties, World War I, International Criminal LawAbstract
This paper is about the Armenian genocide, which occurred in the historical context of the World War I and the subsequent contribution of this event for the construction of the concept in International Law. The term “genocide” is attributed to the Polish jurist Raphael Lemkin, who also ensured that the concept formulated became widely publicized and recognized as a crime whose repression and punishment would be widely ensured in International Law. There are numerous narratives on the genocide phenomenon and although it is not current practice, it was in the historical context of the twentieth Century wars and mass exterminations that the issue became central to international society. Faced with these phenomena, what has come to characterize genocide and which are the mechanisms of international protection that can curb the practice of this crime currently. This research will have as general aim to analyze the historical systematization to justify the conceptualization of genocide in International Law, despite of the problematic historical role of such phenomena in the configuration of international crimes.
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