Bosnia and Herzegovina – a study of the Sejdić and Finci case
Sejdić, Finci, Bosnia, Minorities, European Court, Human Rights, International LawAbstract
This paper deals with the Sejdić & Finci case, judged at the European Court of Human Rights, which established important precedents concerning ethnic and religious minorities in a country which is sadly known for the countless violations of those rights both during the so called Bosnian War and after the signature of the Treaty of Dayton, when the cases concerning both Sejdić, a Bosnian with Roma heritage and Finci, a Bosnian who confesses the Jewish religion, took place, both of them being unable to fully participate in the political life of their country. The study of each Judge and not only a superficial study of the case enables us to better understand the problem not only in Bosnia, but in Europe as a whole.
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