Protection of social rights of transgender persons: the impacts of the sentence of the Federal Supreme Court in the direct action of unconstitutionality 4,275 in Brazil
Social rights, Transgender, Direct Action of Unconstitutionality No. 4,275Abstract
The issue of social rights of Brazilian transgender persons is highlighted in the context of protecting minorities. Mainly, from the moment the Supreme Federal Court judged on March 1, 2018 the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality No. 4,275 to interpret article 58 of Law No. 6,015/73 according to the Brazilian Constitution and the Pact of San José, Costa Rica, allowing transgender persons, who are those who do not identify with their biological gender, to change the first name and gender in the registry office (administrative route) directly and without the obligation to have undergone transgenitalization surgery. Through an exploratory research, with theoretical references and a study carried out on life histories, it will be possible to know the positive and negative impacts of this sentence, as well as the daily confrontations of the transgender people. It can be inferred that there was an advance in the history of Brazil with the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality No. 4,275, because despite its negative impacts mentioned, this sentence was one step towards the deconstruction of the transphobic culture.
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