The 2021 Chinese Civil Code
Civil Code, Chinese Civil Code, Chinese Civil Law, Codification, ConfucianismAbstract
On January 1, 2021, the Chinese Civil Code entered into force. Based on existing civil law laws in the country, this is the first Chinese law of recent times in a code format, enacted to guarantee the maintenance of social and economic order, aiming to reach development and socialism with Chinese characteristics. Although one can imagine that its normative content consists of a text that would have exclusively made use of the European legislative experience for China due to the doctrines in it, there is no way to interpret the Chinese Civil Code as if it were only a Western civil code, because part of its presuppositions are distinct from those that led to codification in the West. Chinese civil law – and consequently the Chinese Civil Code – brings several elements of Chinese philosophy, so that there are central articles that regulate norms from Confucianism, as well as other norms that seek to supplant it. The purpose of this paper was to investigate the reasons that led to the elaboration of a new Civil Code; whether it is really a new legal text or the consolidation of current law; and what are the sources of its articles.
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