The Madrid Protocol for international registration of trademarks
Industrial Property, Trademark, Registration, International, Madrid Protocol.Abstract
This study deals with the historical path of the Madrid Agreement in Brazil, from its origins, passing through its internalization and denunciation, reaching the year 2019, in which the country once again started to participate of the system managed by the World Intellectual Property Organization for the international registration of trademarks. The analysis of the historical journey in question is supported by the fact that it is an international diploma that takes care of a unified flow for the simultaneous filing of trademarks in different countries, without prejudice to the application of domestic legislation. Hence, any antinomies are resolved in favor of the Brazilian Industrial Property Law (Law n. 9.279/1996), especially regarding the need to maintain an attorney in Brazil with special powers (including the power to be served). Finally, there follows a general examination of the application of the Protocol in Brazil through Resolution INPI/PR n. 247/2019 and the conclusion that the adoption by Brazil of the Agreement, Protocol and Madrid Regulation for the registration of international trademarks, as well as the elaboration of normative acts that allow to put these international procedural rules in motion in Brazil represent important beacons to reach the ideals of the original constitutional legislator and make Industrial Property a vector of the social, technological and economic development of our country, according to the provisions of art. 5, XXIX, of the Brazilian Constitution.
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