Human-machine interaction: the “significant human control” standard and its impacts on the civil liability imputation for damages arising from autonomous vehicles
Artificial intelligence, Human-machine interaction, Damages, Torts.Abstract
This paper analyzes the results that advanced digital technologies cause to torts, notably aiming to outline the main legal challenges that such technologies represent for the legal-dogmatic categories related to it. Through the investigation of the diversity of roles of agents involved in the development and use of artificial intelligence, this paper discusses transparency, the unpredictability of the artificial intelligence system actions, and causal link. Furthermore, the research also aimed to investigate the potential of human-machine interaction in the decision-making process and how such dynamics can be relevant to investigation of liability for damages, emphasizing legal gaps and some approaches to solving them. Finally, it investigates how the “meaningful human control” criterion can help prevent damage resulting from autonomous artificial intelligence systems. It also evaluates conceptual distinctions that can facilitate dogmatic development involving artificial intelligence and Brazilian civil liability statutes. The theoretical research, conducted by dialectical and deductive methods, established associations between technology, innovation, and responsibility.
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