The teaching of theory of the state to combat inequality from its purpose: the University of Sao Paulo Law School experience
Purpose, Inequality, Globalization, Legal education, Active methodologies.Abstract
The present paper is situated in the field of Theory of the State and of the methodologies of the teaching of Law. On one hand, we aim to draw some considerations about the purpose as a formative element of the State, characterizing the struggle against inequalities as a purpose of the Brazilian State. On the other hand, it is intended to defend the importance of teaching General Theory of the State – a subject that is less and less present in undergraduate courses in Law – as a way of understanding the phenomenon of inequality and training for the handling of state instruments to face this problem in the context of globalization. To this end, two research methodologies were used, the first being theoretical, through a doctrinal review on the purpose of the State and on globalization, and the second empirical, from the exposition of some experiences of active methodologies in the teaching of Theory of State at the University of São Paulo Law School, demonstrating how legal education can be transformative from the point of view of purpose and equality.
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