Setback in the fight against racial inequalities in health and management of COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil
Social determinants of health, Structural racism, Setback in public policies, COVID-19.Abstract
The health of people is not determined by natural aspects or destiny; it is impacted by the access to a health system and other socioeconomic conditions, such as income, education and housing. A social and racial gradation in health is evidenced by the fact that, in Brazil and in the world, the poorest and non-white have the worst health services. Those conditions, named “social determinants of health”, can be controlled, demonstrating the role of public policies and the Law in the populations` health. Law affects health and may perform a double role, perpetuating or impacting the social determinants of health. Brazilian Law, grounded on the 1988 Federal Constitution, determines the existence of a universal health system and provides for affirmative actions for combatting the structural racism in the health sector. Notwithstanding the importance of those rules, Brazil presents extreme social and racial inequality, including on health, what has been worsened by recent setback in certain policies and the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to promote health and the fight against health inequalities, beyond the existence of rules and institutions, it is necessary to preserve the Democratic Rule of Law and assure institutional representation for underprivileged groups. Assaults against democracy represent assaults against public health and social and racial inequalities reduction policies, what has been demonstrated during the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil.
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