The impacts of 5G technology on privacy rights in Brazil
Privacy rights, Impacts, Brazilian law order, 5G technology.Abstract
The present paper has as its main objective to delineate the possible impacts to privacy rights brought upon by the arrival of 5G technology in Brazil. With such goal in mind, the method of comparative analysis was used, drawing parallels with the European Union, where the 5G is more available. As a following step, with such analysis as an underlying base, the way how certain institutes of the Brazilian law order (the Civilian Framework of the Internet, the General Data Protection Law, the Consumer Protection Code) will deal with aforementioned technology, was studied. Furthermore, in the sphere of the regulatory sector, the capacity of Anatel (a government agency which is responsible for dealing with such area) managing such impacts was also analysed. The conclusion of this paper is that 5G will bring new characteristics, such as the high speed of data transmission, which may represent big challenges to the national law order, that must be observed in the future.
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