Rui e a doutrina drago
Rui Barbosa, Doutrina Drago.Downloads
FENWICK, International Lavo, 3.ª edição, Nova York, 1948.
THOMAS e THOMAS 1. Non Intervention — The Law and its Import in the Americas, S.M.U University Press, Dallas, 1956. 2. The Organization of American States., S.M.U University Press, Dallas, Texas, 1963.
T. BARCLAY, Problems of International Law and Diplomacy (1907).
PHILLIMORE, International Law, vol. II (1854-61).
Ver ACCIOLY, Tratado, I n. 384 ff- K. Strupp, L'intervention en matière financière, Recueil des Cours, v. 8 (1925-III) 5-123.
A. J. THOMAS JR., ANN VON WYNEN THOMAS, The organization of American States — S.M.U., Dallas, Texas, 1963.
Drago and Drago doctrine, pp. 16-17, 158, 439, 469, 470, 472.
Drago e a doutrina Calvo, p. 173 — Drago e a igualdade, pp. 149-150; e A Intervenção, pp. 149, 172-3; e a Doutrina Porter, pp. 173-4; Reação Americana, p. 17; e a Venezuela, 149.
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