Protection of the Unborn


  • Renato Luis Bueloni Ferreira


Aborto, Nascituro, Direito Civil.


Abortion is one of most controversial subjects of our times and it is often analysed in a superficial way. A more profound analysis shows that the arguments for the permission of abortion are founded in weak evidende and do not accompany tecnological developments. In this paper, we descussed the medical and the ethnical-philosophical aspects to demonstrate that abortion should be prohibeted. As the study shows, article 128 of the Penal Code, which permits abortions, becomes hypocritical. Also, we demonstred that the juridical personality of the fetus is the doctrinary position which is more loyal to the tradition of the great Brazilian civil jurists; therefore, the fetus should have protection in the civil sphere of his/hers right to life and be recognized as a full person.


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How to Cite

Protection of the Unborn. (1990). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 84(84-85), 303-309.