Security's Comission Bill to Reform of the Joint Stock Companies
FDUSP, Sociedade Anônima, Comissão de Valores Mobiliários.Abstract
This present article refers to relevants aspects in relation to the law's reform of the brazilian's corporations. It concerns the Anti-project of the law presented to the public audience by the CVM, Comissão de Valores Mobiliários, a federal department that controls and supervises the companies, created in Brazil on the basis of the north-american SEC, Security Exchange Commission. The purpose is to adapt Law # 6.404, dated december 1976 and current for fifteen years, to the new realities of the country, through the aforementioned Anti-project. The text of the article is, thus, strikingly informative, purposefully advertising the intended reform.Downloads
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How to Cite
Security’s Comission Bill to Reform of the Joint Stock Companies. (1993). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 88, 371-379.