Labor Law in the year 2000
FDUSP, Direito do Trabalho.Abstract
The article begins with the analysis of Edgard Morin on the year 2000, his symbology of numbers and the difference he establishes between theory and doctrine. It goes on to treat of the question of the socialist and social democrat models and their reflexes on our labor area, in what refers to paternalism and state intervention in the CLT (the labor code), corporations and the problem of parity in composition and the lay judges of the labor courts and also of the need to revise the model of union organization and social security. In what this last is concerned, the article examines section 194 of the Federal Constitution, that establishes its organization, commenting Laws # 8.212/91, section 3rd of the Law # 7.787/89, section 22, I, of Law # 8.212/91, section 195 of the Constitution and the eventual lacks constitutionality of these statutes, examining then Law # 8.213/91, known as the Benefits Law and the question of substitution of retirement for working time. The article ends with the prospect of a diminishing of state intervention from the year 2000 and the reflexes of this in the CLT, Labor Courts and Social Security.
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