The Historica! Evolution of Philosophy
FDUSP, História da Filosofia, Filosofia.Abstract
Philosophy has evolved step by step due to the contribution of the people who have searched for the meaning of social life. In anciente times, philosophers were concerned with politics - and the most important words were those brought out by Platon and Aristotle. In the Middle Ages, philosophy was characterized by contemplation, for it was channeled to the search of the essence of God; the works by Santo Agostinho, São Bento and Santo Tomás* were the most important ones. After the Middle Ages, philosophers - such as, for instance, Locke, Rousseau, Voltaire and Montesquieu - turned out to be concerned with the consolidation of the fundamental rights. From the French Revolution, there has been a continuous strength of the social and religious values inspiring social life, thanks to Max Weber and Émile Durkheim. Thus, it can be said that the search for the concept of well-being has been universal and perennial.
*Nota: Os nomes foram mantidos em português.
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