Study about Laws "Caduciárias"


  • Aracy Augusta Leme Klabin


Lex, Jus, Connubium, Capitis diminuto media, Ius civile.


The author speeks about the concept of Jus that consequently brings us the yearned justice. Within this parameter, Law's envolvement itself, creator of the Jus, understood as the entirety of positive rules, establishing, thus, the social and political life of civitas.


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ALVIZ, Faustino Gutierrez, Dicionário de Derecho Romano. Reus S.A, Madrid, 1982.

BERGER, Adolf - Encyclopedic Dictionary of Roman Law. v. 1, Philadelphia, 1953.

CORREIA, Alexandre e SCIASCIA, Gaetano - Manual de Direito Romano, vs. 1 e 2, Editora Saraiva, São Paulo, 1949.

GAUDEMENT Institutions de l'Antiquité. 1 v., Paris, 1967.

GRELLET, Dumazeau Le Barreau Romain. 1 v., Paris, 1858, ps. 122 e 123.

LISSNER, Ivair Assim viviam os nossos antepassados. Editora Itália Ltda., Belo Horizonte.

Novíssimo Digesto Italiano - v. IX.

PORCHAT, Reynaldo Curso Elementar de Direito Romano, v. I, Duprat & São Paulo, 1907.

RÁO, Vicente O Direito e a Vida dos Direitos, v. I.

SHERWIN, A. N. The Roman Citizenship - White, Oxford, At the Clarendon Press, 1939.

SMITH, Munroe The Development of European Law. Columbia University Press, 1928.

The Oxford History of the Roman World. Edited by John Boardman etc. Oxford University Press, 1986.





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How to Cite

Study about Laws "Caduciárias". (1997). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 92, 25-30.