Unification and Harmonization of Societary Law in Europe
Circulação de mercadoria, Mercado único europeu.Abstract
Roma and Maastricht's Treaty's purpose consist on the initiation of an european trading centre, which is expressed by free circulation of commodities, capital, people and enterprises' establishment. The communitary commandment, with its rules, aim at throwing down the barriers among the different member countries through the realization of a substantial equivalence on their normative system. The purpose is not "unification", nor "uniformization" of national rules, but "harmonization". To harmonization it doesn't matter if the rules are not the very same, but it's adoption should bring substantial correspondent results, imposing to each State member the adoption of measures that, in their respectives commandments, result the most appropriate. The harmonization of societies' discipline is essential due rendering neutral the choices on their position at the scope of the european trading centre. The societarian matter was also object of a communitary discipline project, which aims the realization of a unitary settlement, equal for every juridical member countries' commandment, in order to offer means to the enterprises which operate transnationaly. A similar introductory step was take on the field of the institutes with contractual character that appease forms of collaboration among economic operators (ex.: joint ventures).Downloads
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How to Cite
Unification and Harmonization of Societary Law in Europe. (1997). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 92, 281-300. https://periodicos.usp.br/rfdusp/article/view/67366