Pollution and it environmental tutors penal
Nova lei ambiental e suas inovações, Comparação com leis anteriores, Direito Comparado.Abstract
The author approaches the juridical aspects of the pollution, through new conception such as species of the gender degradation of the environmental quality, resultant of activities that harm the health, the safety or, still, the well-being of the population. Dissertate, still, about the parameter in the environmental penal tutelage from the brazilian Penal Code of 1890 to the current, the pollution described in juridical norm in the Law of the Penal Contravention and in the new environmental law, Law n. 9.605/98.Downloads
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Pollution and it environmental tutors penal. (1998). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 93, 249-288. https://periodicos.usp.br/rfdusp/article/view/67405