Agrarian activity Classic concept. Modern concept of Antonio Carroza
Atividade agrária, Agrariedade, Ciclo biológico e risco, Direito Agrário, Sistematização.Abstract
Whenever considering Agrarian Law it is important to establish an idea of what the agrarian activity itself means in order to delimit its field, as well as the contents of the legal Agrarian subject and its object, besides the boundaries of such discipline together with the other ones making up the law tree. From the scientific point of view, it is not enough to consider the Agrarian Law as the Law of Agriculture or of its professionals, the farmers or the working men, or yet connect it to the elements which are related to the Agrarian Activity such as the soil, the water, the fauna and flora, and the climate. It has been in Biology, in the logical cycle as a natural, evolutionary, organic, non artificial and subject to risk process that the defining elements of the Agrarian Activity have been taken. That is the modern theory of the "Agrarian Science".
CARDOZO, Francisco Malta. Tratado de Direito Rural Brasileiro, 3 volumes, Ed. Saraiva, 1956.
CARRERA, Rodolfo Ricardo. Derecho Agrário, Reforma Agrária y Desarrollo Económico, Buenos Aires, Editorial Desarrollo, 1956.
CARROZZA, Antonio. Problemi generali e profili di qualificazioni del Diritto Agrario, Milano, Giuffrè, 1975.
VIVANCO, Antonio Carlos. Teoria de Derecho Agrário, La Plata, Argentina, Ed. Libreria Juridica, 1967.
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