A vision on the Labor Law in Japan
Direito do Trabalho, Japão.Abstract
The history of Japanese Labour Law is recent, in spite of having existed unconsolidated laws at the beginning of the century, mainly after Japan was part of the Versailles Treaty, which created the International Labour Organization. The laws which are in force were promulgated after the II World War, during the occupation of the Allied Powers. The Labour Ministry in Japan was also created in that period. At once, some peculiarities in the Japanese Labour Law are noted, being worth of mention the hiring system, the corporate unions and the existence of administrative jurisdictions (Labour Commissions) for the solution of disputes. Although most part of the conflicts are resolved inside the companies, it is possible to appeal to the Labour Commissions in case of disagreement and in last resort to the Judiciary Power. If, until now, the interest in knowing about the Labour Law in Japan was restricted to an academic point of view, nowadays, there is a practical interest caused by the presence of a numerous contingent of Brazilian workers in that country.
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