D. Manuel's Reign and the Ordenações Manuelinas
D. Manuel, Reinado, Estilo, Cultura, Política interna e externa.Abstract
In the opportunity of the commemorations of the five hundred years of the discovery of Brazil, it matters to consider its first ruler, D. Manuel I, and the legislation that takes his name. The more important aspects of his reign are studied in the ambit of internal and external politics, as well as the contemporary sociocultural existence in the XVI century. Continuing on his study, he examines the innovations, corrections and increments happened in the legislation with "Ordenações Manuelinas" edition; among others, the application of the subsidiary right, the description of the attributions and responsibilities of the Crown's employees, the Procedural Law, the value of the "assentos" in the authentic interpretation of the law. It is ended accentuating the importance of the History of the Law, as factor of knowledge of the origin and development of the institutions and of the reach that these still possess in the context of the effective juridical system.
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