Considerations concerning the "Iudex Quilitem Suam Facit"
Direito Romano, Responsabilidade civil, Quase-delitos, "Iudex qui litem suam fecit".Abstract
The present study intends to bring a reflection concerning a theme treated by the Roman Law called Litem suam facere, which has great importance including to the current days, because it concerns on the Judge's civil responsibility for his decisions in the cases related by the sources. So, the work for now presented, through a study of the main authors that have analysed the theme, as well as through the exegesis of some fragments of the sources, try to establish which is the reach of the mentioned expression as well as its juridical treatment.Downloads
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How to Cite
Considerations concerning the "Iudex Quilitem Suam Facit". (2001). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 96, 103-118.