Agrarian Activity
Agricultura, Atividade agrária de produção, de conservação dos recursos naturais.Abstract
The agrarian activity is contained in the scope of the civil substance, adopted idea of consensual form for the best doctrinaire current. For the understanding of the productive activity in the agrarian sector it is imposed to studied the causes of the evolution of its institutes. The agrarian activity exerted by the familiar core characterizes a productive unitary organism. The study of the agrarian activity understands three main phases in the productive cycle of agriculture. One is about the phase of the production properly said and for its connected activities, these will be of hashing and alienation of products. The study of the objective perspective of the agrarian activity corresponds to the sorting properly said of the agrarian activity. An example of this work of qualification is Abridgement n. 196 of the Supreme Federal Court. Three basic species of activities is directed in the organized forms more elementary of agriculture to the production, the hashing and the swap exist. The determination of that if it inserts in the scope of the agrarian activity demands to observe to that where normally who acts if agriculturist calls, in definitive historical period and one determined form. The agrarian activity is sort, would be its species the agrarian activity of production, the agrarian activity of conservation of the natural features you renewed and the agrarian activity of experimentation and research in the summary of Raymundo Laranjeira. The sorting of the agrarian activities is established from an exemplifying and not-taxing enumerationDownloads
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How to Cite
Agrarian Activity. (2001). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 96, 121-141.