Preambles of the Brazilian Constitutions
Preâmbulo, Constituição, História Constitucional Brasileira, Brasil, Constituições, Eficácia das normas constitucionais.Abstract
The State exerts primordial influence in the life of all the people and all the human groups. This is a fact of our time, independent of the will of each one, not having anyone, rich or poor, powerful or humble person, who can be total free of the influence of the State. For this reason, the State is subject of extraordinary relevance in all studies and researches, of character theoretical or aiming practical purpose, concerning to the human behaviors. Thus, also, for the taking of the decisions of bigger importance, of political, economic or social character, it is absolutely necessary to consider the State, as to take care of to its determination or to deduct themselves from them, as to use it to gain benefits or to defend of threats or aggressions of many species. For all these reasons, the concern with the evolution of the State is constant, with the paper that it will be able to represent in the history of the Humanity, in next or remote future. Thus being, this work is based on historical experience and considering the actual circumstances, leading in account the resultant data of studies and research in multiple scientific areas which occupy of the human behaviors, are an effort of prediction about the future of the State. It is not a proposal for the future nor an abstract speculation, but, differently of this, it is an attempt of prediction of the future of the State with scientific bases
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