11th September: relevance of the international judicial cooperation


  • Rodrigo Elian Sanchez


Globalização, Ameaças difusas, Cooperação judiciária internacional.


In an increasingly complex and internationalized reality, the threats are fostering in a diffuse fashions, taking advantage of the new possibilities of action that the globalization creates; treats that could be symbolized by the terrorist attacks of September, 11th, 2001, against WTC and Pentagon. Only the coordination of the efforts of estates could guarantee a world divided in sovereign political unites. If the frontiers, as an expression of the notion of sovereignty, would be used to escape of the rule of law, the legitimacy of the states would be jeopardized; since legitimacy is the other face of efficacy. In the presence of these challenges, of an inter-linked world, turn up the importance of the international judicial co-operation, as an instrument of public policy.


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How to Cite

11th September: relevance of the international judicial cooperation. (2002). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 97, 481-496. https://periodicos.usp.br/rfdusp/article/view/67559