The Importance of the Integration México-Mercosul in FTAA


  • Ana Paula Martinez


ALCA, ALCA e Mercosul, Integração regional.


The process of creation of the Free Trade Area of the Americas has entered its final phase of negotiations. The United States of America have tried to impose a model wherein it would coordinate all bilateral agreements, a situation which would cause the USA to be the only judge in the integration process of the Americas. The two greatest economies of Latin America, namely Brazil, jointly with the Mercosur, and Mexico, shall join forces with the aim to barr the American attempt to lead the process individually, thus contributing towards a greater balance in the relations within the Americas. However, in order to succeed in this attempt, it is necessary to achieve an integration between Mexico and Mercosur, not in a "5 + 1" model, due to the peculiar relations that Mexico has with the USA, but in a relationship that could be expressed in the following manner: "(4+1)+1".


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How to Cite

The Importance of the Integration México-Mercosul in FTAA. (2003). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 98, 583-597.