Concerning the traditio in the scope of the problem of the risks in the purchase-and-sell. The cases of the "sold beds" (Paul., 3 Alf. Epit., D. 18, 6,13 e 15 pr.) and the "bought wood" (Paul., 3 Alf. Epit., D. 18, 6,15,1)
Compra-e-venda, 3 Alf. Epit., D. 18, 6, 13 e15 pr.-1 (Paul., 3 Alf. Dig.).Abstract
After the preamble, the author focuses the case of the sold beds (“lectos emptos”), finishing the exposition with the case of the bought wood (“materia empta”) and the interpretation joint of the two “fattispecie”, having as bigger premise the “traditio” in the scope of the problem of the risks in the purchase-and-sell.
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How to Cite
Concerning the traditio in the scope of the problem of the risks in the purchase-and-sell. The cases of the "sold beds" (Paul., 3 Alf. Epit., D. 18, 6,13 e 15 pr.) and the "bought wood" (Paul., 3 Alf. Epit., D. 18, 6,15,1). (2004). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 99, 37-60.