The Third-Party Complaint in Action for Damage Against Physicians
Third-party complaint in action for damages, Medical error, Civil accountability, Action for damages, Intervention of third parties.Abstract
It is not at all rare that the use of the established laws of third-party complaint in action for damages, where the accountability on services rendered by physicians is discussed is carried out inadequately and misinterpreted in its principles and legal nature. When joining an ongoing litigation that was previously established between the consumer and the legal entity rendering medical services, the physician while impleaded party will face two different discussions, i.e., fortuitous vices concerning the medical service, that is being discussed in the original suit, and also the nature of the legal relationship with the accuser . The presentation of allegations of such nature may jeopardize the interests of the pleader, and confront the inherent prohibition contained in the legislation on consumers. The analysis of decisions pronounced in the Courts leads to an understanding of the irrelevance of the established laws of third party complaint in action for damages based on civil accountability while rendering medical services.
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