On the criminalization of the violation of attorneys’ Prerogatives: paleorepression of improper meaning
Violation of Prerogatives, Open-Type Crime, Principle of Taxativity, Constitutional Criminal Program, Corporative attacks.Abstract
Law Drafts 4,915 and 5,762, both issued in 2005 (House of Representatives), and Law Draft 83, issued in 2008 (Federal Senate), which define the crime of violation of rights and prerogatives of attorneys. Unconstitutionality and political, legal inconvenience. Unconstitutionality by defining a criminal type alien to Constitutional Criminal Program. Unconstitutionality for being a “open-type” crime, which violates the fundamental right to the legal reserve guarantee. Possibility of conflict or collision with immunity of judges, public prosecutors, representatives and even attorneys in the exercise of their respective functions. Possibility of criminalization the conviction of judges, public prosecutors and representatives in Parliament Commissions for Investigations, creating a hypothesis of “crime of hermeneutics”. Inconvenience of the general policy of irrelevant conducts criminalization. Violation of the principle of minimal intervention. Actual intimidation of public authorities in the combat of organized crime, serving as inhibitory restraint in judicial measures of evidences formation. Recent abuses of the Brazilian Bar Association (State Sections), to blacken the name and image of authorities and citizens, configuring as “crimes”. Major risks to corporation prosecutions. Sufficiency of criminal laws in force to repeal abusive or disproportional conducts of judges and public prosecutors.
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