Intellectual Property, Biodiversity and Climate Changes


  • Vladimir Garcia Magalhães


Intellectual property, Patent law, Vegetable varieties, Biotechnology, Biodiversity, Climate changes, Global warming, Genetic resources, International law.


Climate changes impact biodiversity, which can influence the adaptation to that fact by the use of genetic resources in the development of new more resistant to global warming vegetable varieties, which can be judicially for the countries based on the intellectual property as a patent or by the right to protection to vegetable varieties. For this reason, international agreements about biodiversity (CDB), global warming (CQMC), desertification (CNUCD) and access to python genetic resources (TIRFAA) and international agreements about intellectual property are interrelated, what has created an articulation process among these agreements. The conclusion is that some amendments in their texts are required in order to give effectiveness to this articulation process and positive for the adaptation to the climate change and relieve of their effects.


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Environmental Law

How to Cite

Intellectual Property, Biodiversity and Climate Changes. (2008). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 103, 517-536.