Iatrogeny – guilt modality or excludent of unlawfulness


  • Ricardo Henrique Alves da Silva
  • Arsenio Sales Peres
  • Rafael Mercadante Júnior
  • César Lopes Júnior


Iatrogenic disease, Medical mistakes, Adverse effects, Tort Law, Professional responsability.


One of the activities of the dentist is the realization of dental expertise, which is one more proof inside of the lawsuit, classified as material, helping the judge, that must judges according to alleged and proved by the parties (iudex secundum allegata et probata partium judiciare debet). Through this present literature review we intend to reinforce the idea that iatrogenic episodes, either odontologics as well as medicals, must be observed in special and careful form by jurists, judges and other law operators, because, iatrogeny can not continue being observed just as guilty modality, but also it must occupy its place with the excludents of unlawful. Easily we can observe the difference between iatrogenias and mistakes occurring during odontologic and medical procedures, because those (iatrogenies) many times are inherent to the application or use of the best techniques and best therapy.


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How to Cite

Iatrogeny – guilt modality or excludent of unlawfulness. (2008). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 103, 675-683. https://periodicos.usp.br/rfdusp/article/view/67824