Theatre in the “São Francisco”. A historic diving


  • Maria da Conceição Vitor


Theater, History, Memory, Patrimony, Culture, Students, Law school, Plaza of San Francisco.


The purpose of this article is to rescue a little bit of the history of student theatre, with emphasis in the centenary team formed by the Largo de Sao Francisco Law School students, in the beginning of the year 1829. The memory of a people of an institution is its identity, the reference and the evidence of its passage by the race that represents, and by the own history of planet. Despite of the romantic personality assigned to Brazilian people, he do not have the habit of preservation of historic heritage of its own existence, since keeping a photo or a fact from its infancy, to keep and preserve the history of his country, dilapidating his memories, its monuments, its natural resources, his cultural heritages and personages of this big theatre: the life.


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Contribution to the Academic Memories

How to Cite

Theatre in the “São Francisco”. A historic diving. (2008). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 103, 1115-1126.