Political, legal and social organization of Egypt in the “Ancient Empire”


  • Acacio Vaz de Lima Filho


Political organization, Legal organization, Social organization, Egypt, “Ancient Empire”.


In this article we seek to approach the Egyptian institutions in the “Ancient Empire”, period situated between the XXVIIIth and the XXIIIth centuries b.C. which, therefore, goes from the IIIrd to the VIth Dynasty. We study either the Public Law as the Private Law. The goal was to provide a general view of Law in Egypt by the aforementioned time. We took into consideration our current and former History of Law students, because Egyptian Law institutions are included in the syllabus of the Law schools in Brazil. As our concern was to provide a general view of the subject, we avoided intentionally the excess of details. Our audience is Law students, not experts. The latter certainly find more appropriate material to satisfy their intellectual needs, in the very large literature that exists on that subject, specially in foreign languages.


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History of Law

How to Cite

Political, legal and social organization of Egypt in the “Ancient Empire”. (2009). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 104, 39-70. https://periodicos.usp.br/rfdusp/article/view/67849