Reflections for the discernment of the stereotype and the image of African descent


  • João Grandino Rodas
  • Celso Prudente


Racial superiority, Racial inferiority, Stereotypes, Images, African descent.


The approach of this discussion aims to point out the myth of racial superiority as a result of an ideological action, which finds in stereotypes its main component. Such phenomenon is characterized in an attempt to downgrade the image of African descents and their culture. This situation is constructed in the context of the invisibility relations of African descent in the mass communication and also trivializing the characters experienced by actors of African origin, with the main purpose of the denial of their image in favor of Eurocentrism.


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Social Law

How to Cite

Reflections for the discernment of the stereotype and the image of African descent. (2009). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 104, 499-506.