The Dutch West India Company: a stock corporation


  • Roberto Chacon de Albuquerque Universidade Católica de Brasília. Faculdade de Direito


Dutch West India Company, Stock corporation, Monopoly.


In this article, the author analyzes the legal nature of the Dutch West India Company. A company with a hybrid structure, of public and private law, it obtained during the 17th century the navigation and trade monopoly with the Americas and Western Africa, having temporarily conquered a part of Brazil. The Dutch West India Company should not be considered as an ancestor of stock corporations, but as the predecessor of a symbiotic relation between public and private interests.


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Author Biography

  • Roberto Chacon de Albuquerque, Universidade Católica de Brasília. Faculdade de Direito

    Advogado, Doutor em Direito pela Universidade de São Paulo, Professor da Universidade Católica de Brasília.


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History of Law

How to Cite

The Dutch West India Company: a stock corporation. (2010). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 105, 25-38.