The Sociology of Law: the contrast between the works of Émile Durkheim and Niklas Luhmann
Sociology of law, Classical sociological approaches, Systems Theory, Self-descriptions of legal system, External descriptions of legal system, Structural coupling.Abstract
This article aims to analyze the “sociological enlightenment” proposed by Niklas Luhmann. Before focusing his proposal, it tries to recover the essential aspects of his criticism of the “classical approaches of sociology of law”. Taking the work of Émile Durkheim as illustrative of the classical sociological approach, which Luhmann considers unsatisfactory, the article seeks to highlight the alleged advances of his system theory to the sociology of law. Thus, after recover the essential features of Durkheim´s work and of Luhmann’s criticism of it, the article analyses Luhmann’s proposal of sociology as an external description to the legal system. Finally, the article analyses Luhmann’s proposal to focus systems theory as a form of “structural coupling” between the external description and the forms of self-description of the legal system.
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