The price of the body and market laws


  • Cíntia Rosa Pereira de Lima


Organs donation, Human dignity, Ethical personalism (Kant), Soflt Human Market.


This paper focuses on some questions about the human rights regarding the legalization of Soft Human Market. It aims to demonstrate that such act is against the philosophical basis of the Brazilian Law, specially the ethical personalism proposed by Immanuel Kant. Finally, the conclusion points that donation of human organs after death or by living donors must be always altruist or by scientific or therapeutic reasons so such procedure would be in harmony with the first article, III of Brazilian Constitution (that points out the human dignity) and article 199, § 4º also from the Brazilian Constitution (that prohibits the commercialization of human organs). Summing up this paper points out the personality rights, specially the prohibition of acts that diminish permanently the physical integrity or contrary good faith (article 13 Brazilian Civil Code 2002), being the only possibility of doing so after death and with altruist or scientific purposes (article 14 Brazilian Civil Code 2002) or while alive if it is a therapeutic procedure within legal limits.


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Civil Law

How to Cite

The price of the body and market laws. (2012). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 106(106-107), 159-178.