The triad of per formulas procedure formulae, praetores, aequitas
Formula, Praetor, Aequitas, Litis Contestatio, Actions, Roman Civil Procedure.Abstract
The procedure per formulas appears as the most important phase undergone by the Roman court system. Its uniqueness and brilliance lies in the fact that this was the period in which the most intense activities of the iurisconsulti and, especially, of the praetor was performed. The Praetors were judges whose activities was essential for the transformation and perpetuation of Roman Law to the present day. Permeated by the notion of aequitas, the ius honorarium, by means of the Edict of the Praetor, allowed for a relaxation of the Roman procedures, gradually supplanting the previous rigid system of the legis actiones, thus causing the procedure per formulas to embody the idea of law as the ars boni et aequi.
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