The study of law and the scientific method


  • Fernando Curi Peres Faculdade Autônoma de Direito de São Paulo


Method of science, Science and Law, Law studies curricula.


Some Brazilian schools of Law wrongly name Introduction to the Science of Law the first core course students take when beginning their studies of Law. Most students have never been exposed to the method of sciences and finish their course without knowing about it. The article argues that, similarly to Common Law students, they should be familiarized with Statistics and the method of sciences to ensure that they base their action on realistic instead of idealistic proposals and perceptions.


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Author Biography

  • Fernando Curi Peres, Faculdade Autônoma de Direito de São Paulo

    Mestre em Direito Civil pela Faculdade de Direito da USP; PH.D. pela The Ohio State University; Professor Titular Senior da área de Economia e Administração da ESALQ/USP e Professor Titular da Faculdade Autônoma de Direito de São Paulo – FADISP.


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GENY, Francois. Science et technique en droit prive positif: nouvelle contribution a la critique de la methode. 1922 (Monografia).

PERELMAN, Chaim. De la justicia. Trad. de Ricardo Guerra. Pref. de Luis Recasens Siches. México: Unversidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 1964.

POSNER, R. A. The economics of justice. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1983.

STEHR, Nico. Knowledge Societies. London: Sage Publications, 1994.





Methodology of Legal Education

How to Cite

The study of law and the scientific method. (2013). Revista Da Faculdade De Direito, Universidade De São Paulo, 108, 399-411.